Works as a PDF reader with three modes for comfortable reading.And you’ll be amazed at its feature-editing and how easy it is to use! If you read PDF files frequently and just looking for a PDF editor to annotating, editing text/links, cropping, re-positioning of pre-existing images, PDF Expert will be a remarkably powerful and reliable PDF editor for Mac.
Macworld reviewed it as affordable PDF editing tool on Mac, it is the fastest and most intuitive PDF editor app. PDF Expert, developed by Readdle, is a simple to use PDF editor for Mac with capability of editing PDF text, images, links, and outline in clicks. Top Rated and Fastest PDF Editor for Mac: PDF Expert What is the best PDF editor for Mac? This publication reviews the editing capability, markup and annotation ability, OCR feature, and design features of the major PDF editors, hope can help you to choose the best PDF editor for Mac, and edit PDF files easily. If you want to edit a PDF file when signing a PDF, filling out a PDF form, or modifying some data in a PDF file, then you need a good PDF editor to help you do that. Relying on the ability to retain the original format and page layout of the features, PDF is commonly used in business contracts, product introductions, research reports and many other occasions. PDF is an acronym for Portable Document Format, which undoubtedly makes it easy to transmit and share with others.